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Summary of what I have learnt

After all the research and investigating I have done, I fee like I have learned a lot about the thriller genre as a whole, as well as, the sub-genres and all the codes and conventions that are associated with it. For example, one key convention I have learnt is that many protagonists within the genre are female , but can sometimes be male depending on the sub-genre they fit into. As well as the protagonist being female, the antagonist is most likely to be male and even if their gender is a mystery until the end of the film, they are usually revealed to be male.


As well as learning about the conventions of gender within the thriller genre, I have also learned a lot about the opening and how they tend to establish the location, the protagonist and sometimes the antagonist can be established, depending on their relationship to the protagonist.


I believe with all this research I have done, I am confident that I will be able to put forward my ideas when creating our own thriller film opening.

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